This is my blog.... thing. XD
I'll BLOG in here! Write about things that happened, or is happening, and other things. Maybe putting pictures in here too.
*copies and pastes from dA, then edits a little*
This is not good. I'm too much sick.
My teacher said I've been sick about 83 days only in 8th grade. ):
I'm learning fast when I first get there, but not when we talk about math.
Not that what we're learning in math is very important.
I just don't understand math at all.
When we have Norwegian it's all okay, right now we're learning about newspapers around the world.
I learn fast when we have Norwegian and also when we have English and German.
We started having geography yesterday. I think it's fun, we're learning a bit about Afrika right now.
Sience is fun too. We've been learning about sex and puberty the last weeks. Everyone in my class keeps asking questions, and it's just fun.
Tomorrow we will learn how to put on a condom.. XD Yay for that.
I'm having this headache today, as always. It hurts really much, but not just that, I'm missing so much on school. D:
And I've been feeling so "empty". I don't want to play so much anymore. Before, when I played TEF I was very hyperactive kinda, and loved to play,
but now I don't feel for it. So~.. I don't know why I'm playing it when I don't feel for it. I don't know if it's sadness, or anything. It might be.
Teiboku, over and out.