so u kno i disappeared for some time,dun ya?(or u didt notice?O-O)
...i can write y ltr if u wanna ,im lazy now...
BUT basic thing y lol :
tht computer that kept turning off when in wanted to went all like "pew!" ...i mean it simply stopped working XD
like cant even turn it off died in other words 8]
so we went to get OUR OWN laptop (<33333333333333 ITS SOW PRETTYYY 8DDDDDDDDDDDDD) but then we realized we dun have the wire for it...SO we had to wait for the wire and when we got it (in 3-5 days??) and opened the (<333) laptop,we ah...didnt remember the password XXDDD;;
so tht was another day wasted -.- .but today i was like "WTF I WANT INTERNET AND LAPIETOP AND MY STUFFS ND FRIENDS D<<<" sooo i kept putting passwords,all the diff passwords nd found it...XD
so then i was like ".....o________-" and remover the password completely and NOW i thought i had PW on this laptop,but i dont and ITS AT 1% (*oops 2% :'D) ATM lol its says 10-5 hrs left -___- lol and internet is kinda slow atm too so idk about downloading JD any time soon ^^;
...err im just happy i finnaly got my laptop back and tht it still has Photoshop nd all the stuffs i put there XD
so...if i (we with me plz??8D) wanna play pw,i (weeeeeee |3) gotta wait ...18HRSWAAAAAAT???!DX wait 12hrs now lol.the inteernet is jumpy atm ,as i said ^^
xoxo ppl
:D:D <33 sowwy for "Poofing" without warning ,but we had no idea tht idiot (the old computer) would die 8> i wrote the entire story hire without meaning to SHOOT ME PLZ XDD *flees*
EDIT:75%!! ^.^ ...goodie i'll have to download all the patches too >~< ..this may take a while... o.- think i'll be playing in about 2hrs lol (eeeh 7hrs altogether
EDIT2: goodness ....o_________________________________o i gotta download 3 patches in total and the first one says it needs FKIN 1-2 HRS DX and its the smallest one of em all
so idk if i will be able to get on today,maybe but i think it will be around 20:00 or 21:00 (if im lucky 8<)
EDIT3: o.o now its says 30 min ...46 min...49 min...54min ....50 min ...AGRH i hate when my internet gets so jumpyyy Dxi just hope Herm will be on when i finally -....3 min O_O ..- lol i knew it was too good to be truth,now it says 14 min left
-wel anyways i hope i will be on untill herm has to go ^^; ..*sigh* 24min left /jumpyjumpy internet sux