Subject: NEW: another rp? :3 Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:32 am
We should begin another one I think... Still with deers but with other, and with only one maybe, I think that'll be easyer. So, what do you think? I'm bad at beginning, so I don't begin.
Subject: Re: NEW: another rp? :3 Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:26 am
guh.. I'll start.
I'ma rp with Teiboku, since he's my main and almost first deer. And I won't write "Tei(/Teiboku): blablabla.. and then he ate an apple". We know it's him doing stuff anyways. :]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(*starts rp*)
*sleeps*...ZzZZZzzzz...zZ........ZZ..ZZZZzzz.. *wakes up* "Ah... That was a weird dream. I dreamed that the whole fore..." *looks around while talking with himself* "..O___O OMGSSSSHOOOSH!" *stands up* "Theeee.... The.. GAAH~!" *starts running in circles* "THE FOREST IS ON FIRE!! O3O"